Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gotta have a plan.....

Well it has been one month since our BLFR journey began. I have lost about 20 pounds and I feel great! My weight loss has slowed though (a lot in the last 2 weeks). Do I know why? Yes because my exercise has slowed a lot and my calorie counting has become calorie estimating.

So time for a new plan.... OK not really a new plan same old plan just put into practice.

If I do the math My income + exercise is 2261 calories minus my 1200 calories (expense for eating)= 1061 Calories per day x 7 days a week= 7427 calories per week/ 3500 (calories per pound) With minimal exercise I should be losing 2 pounds per week.

For the past week I have not lost any. So the scale is going away today. It will be brought back out after 2 weeks of intense effort to follow the plan. Here are the plan details:

1. I will drink at least 120 ounces of water per day!

2. I will eat 1200 calories per day and eat healthy nutritious food.

3. I will have healthy snacks available so I do not starve and then eat everything in sight!

4. I will exercise a minimum of 1 hour per day for 5 days each week.

5. I will use my journal to track all calories and all exercise.

6. I will find a gym I am happy with this week. (This had been hard for me- I am shopping though)

7. I will be accountable to several friends- sharing my successes and issues (no more failures).


Several of the girls that went to Fitness Ridge at the same time I did are going to get together to do a 5K in the spring. This is a big goal for me. I will be honest I did not run at FR until Friday night in the gym (by myself-well with Valerie). I am not a runner. I can recall only one time before attending FR that I ran and that was because my son turned his go-cart over and I thought he had killed himself (he was fine). I WANT TO RUN! I can walk for 7 miles no problem, but I keep thinking to myself... If I could run I would be able to go twice as far or finish in half the time! So I am starting a program to build myself up to be able to run a 5 K this spring. I am already running for my last 2 segments of treading. I am going to start with interval running and walking. 2 minutes running then 2 minutes walking for 30 minutes. I will gradually add more time to the run while reducing the time I walk. I also will increase the total time.

Now does anyone have any advice on a good 5k? We had been looking at the Louisville/ Lexington area. But I saw the Pump and Run in Cincinnati and that looks fun!