Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 1 Down!

Well, what a day!
6 am intro to circuit. Not a problem, they just showed us how the machines work. Breakfast was at 7. It was an English muffin with turkey bacon and scrambled eggs on top of it, and a bowl of melon. Not bad. Then off to the hike. Stop sign hike, wow! It was something. We rode in vans to the Snow Canyon State Park. Then we all did the same hike, 4.5 miles uphill. In reality, the first 2.5 miles were only up and down hill, not too bad. Then the last couple of miles were UPHILL, a 1000 foot increase total. Not everyone made it to the top. I didn't ask exactly how many didn't make it but I would guess nearly 1/2. Everyone had the option to turn around at about the 3 mile mark and walk back down hill. Valerie and I both made it all the way. Valerie beat my time by 5 minutes (Yes there is someone at the top timing us) We walked back down part of the way. It was a beautiful location -on the way down, ugly on the way up :)
When we got back we had the option of pool or mountain class. We had just climbed this mountain, so we chose pool class. Silly us, it was tough. Interval training in the pool is still interval training... Yuck!
We had fish tacos and soup for lunch (ok). Then a lecture and back to the pool for an interesting class, using foam weighs, it was definitely better than the 1st class, but still not an easy class. Then the day got worse, Circuit class. This was the worst so far. This is not your typical circuit, or at least not ours. Curves circuits are like a walk in the park compared with this. I actually looked forward to the weight part of the circuit for a time of rest. For the cardio portion, the trainer pushed us hard, beyond what we thought we could do. He would see what levels we were comfortable at and then triple them. We lived, somehow.
Next was step and pump. I had heard this called step and puke and I know why. It is just an intense stepping class but we both felt the urge to puke on this one.
Supper was Chicken and Vegetables with a Sorbet for desert.
Then we had a lecture on Using our calories wisely.

So here's a day summary...1200 calories in food and about 6000 calories burned. 3500 calories = a pound...We both have heart monitors that tells the calories we are burning. Those number
make the pain more bearable!


  1. Congratulations!!! Great job, keep up the good work.

  2. You know you need to get away if that kind of activity is a "vacation". Interesting to learn how little we require of ourselves if not pushed by someone else.
    Way to go, Valerie! Evidently walking instead of talking about walking does more good to get a person in shape.
    Logan's team won again last night: 110 to 18 or something like that.
    Did you ever find out when you get back to Louisville next Monday?
    Keep up the good work. If you can make it through the first day, surely you can handle the rest of the week.
