Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is it Just Tuesday?

So breakfast this morning was a bowl of fruit and a muffin. You might think a muffin? But amazingly it totally help us over to lunch.
For our hike today we did the Anastazi Trail. It took us past some great petroglyphs. It was better than the stop sign but still challenging.
When we got back today we had a choice of pool or strength circuit. The funny thing is we couldn't decide which class to take. So we laid down on the bed for the 10 minutes and didnt get changed so we had to go to strength. It was ok. Just strength circuit on the machines. It is funny in the past that was hard- now this was easy?
Lunch was sunchoke and potato soup and turkey sandwich and a salad with strawberry dressing. The sandwich was really good. The salad was sort of spicy at first but had a great flavor. We had a calorie challenge and cooking demo by the executive chef that has worked for Wolfgang Puck.
Next was a total toning class. It required weights yoga mats and weight bars and getting into positions that just dont come natural.
After the 15 minute quick change we were off to pool class. It was a nice good workout, but not as deadly as some of the gym classes.
Then the dreaded cardio intervals. Not nearly as bad as the Circuit Training yesterday but a good work out. We used a ladder method. Warm up, then increase your intensity through 8 steps on any of the cardio machines- bike, treadmill, or elliptical. Then decrease, then sprint and repeat.
Dinner was Enchiladas, which we learned how to make in the cooking demo earlier. Also we had steamed vegies and 2 chocolate dipped strawberries... Yummy!

After dinner was a lecture on spending your calories wisely. Lots of info, but what stuck with me the most was a fiber one bar-Good choice right, like if you dont have time to eat breakfast? NO it has ethanol and ...get this shellac!

Biggest Loser was on the big screen TV in the yoga room tonight.
Day 2 down and I feel good!

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